Night Ape Comics
NIGHT APE is the first storyline explored on the Frontier universe, and focus on the main big event on Modern Genesis City that will change the world forever.
Comic Art • Scriptwriting
Night Ape #1
There have been some disappearances in Genesis City. It wouldn’t be a big deal, except that ones who get back show a lack of memory and no special skills - no Alpha! And rumor has it that even heroes aren’t safe. A perfect time for villains to arise and take over.
When it seems like neither the Heroes League nor the cops can do anything to solve this, a lonely and mysterious vigilante, the Night Ape, decides to take matters into his own hands. Helping the cops and digging into leads, he begins to suspect there’s more to this case than it seems.
Official Cover
& Variants
Issue #1 Sample Pages
Night Ape #2 and #3
A new, rising and prominent hero has his fate changed forever. The disappearances in Gen City escalate to an alarming and terrifying level. People are concerned. They feel unsafe, question the League. Where there are chaos and shadows, obscure influences can rise up.
Night Ape follows up on his investigation. What does the symbol he found at the docs have to do with what’s happening in gen city? He ends up being caught by an old acquaintance. An enemy— or something else?
Issue #2 & #3 Sample Pages