Caito’s Journey
Original IP
Caito’s Journey is a magical adventure set in Roviell, a medieval kingdom ruled by humans, but also inhabited by animal hybrids, the Fauneans. Fantasy Animated series • 13 x 22’ • Audience: 8-12yo
Visual Development • Illustration • World Building • 2D Animation
A journey about growth, friendship and embracing the differences
Caito’s Journey is a visually striking, cinematically told, coming-of-age tale. In a medieval world of beast people, magical gems, flying carpets, and ancient machines, young Caito will learn to overcome prejudice, find friendship in the most unexpected places, relinquish the privileges he took for granted, and finally discover his own path in the big wide world.
Unlikely Allies
Caito is an idealistic human boy raised in Fort Farmilyn on the edge of Roviell. Tragedy ensues, and he suddenly finds himself lost and far from home. He’ll team up with Fiona, a ninja squirrel girl who fights for the rights of fauneans like herself; and with Melony, a prodigy fruitomancer on a quest to become the greatest witch ever. Together they’ll discover that the world around them is more complicated, and also more beautiful than they’ve ever imagined.
Caito is a sweet and bright young swordsman, always cheerful and sometimes a bit silly. As a very inventive 14-years-old boy, he doesn’t like studying theoretically but loves learning through practice.
Fiona used to see herself as just a normal squirrel-girl–until she lost her family and home village during a Fire Purge years ago.
Melony is a young self-taught prodigy fruitomancer - that means she is able to perform magic through the use of any fruits.

Production House: Chatrone Latin America
Co-Creators: Din Duarte, Gus Lima, Carina Schulze, Rafael Baliú
Visual Development: Din Duarte, Gus Lima
Lore & World Building: Carina Schulze, Rafael Baliú
Scriptwriting: Rafael Baliú
Producer: Rodrigo Olaio
Caito’s Handbook
(Digital Download)
Caito’s Handbook is a collection of world building material done for Caito’s Journey, an original IP by Mad Boogie Creations. In this 60-page zine you'll find character development, props and environments, and a bit of lore as well.